How better to explain the potentially life-changing gift of a bursary – and the many doors that this can open in a young person’s life as well as their family’s – than by reading about former UCS pupils and their experiences as Bursary Award Holders.

'UCS put my life on a different track'

I still remember my mum and dad telling me I was going to UCS and I was just so happy because even back then when I was 11, I realised that it would put my life on a different path.

Being at this school meant that it felt there were no limits to the possibilities of achievement. There are a ton of bright, talented kids out there who deserve opportunities at these incredible schools where their potential can be completely unlocked.

Getting a bursary has completely shaped my life because I work in TV now and that is not something I would have considered had I not gone there. My parents were refugees, I grew up on a council estate, so getting a bursary to this school completely put my life on a different track.

Art, UCS pupil, 2012–2018

'Becoming the best version of ourselves'

When I came to UCS I was a quiet, unconfident boy. I left as a young man who had been equipped with the courage, know-how and drive to find a place in the world.

My teachers at UCS went above and beyond to ensure all of us became the best possible version of ourselves. The one-to-one attention and care I received from both my Form Tutor and subject teachers allowed me to achieve things that I never would have thought possible.

I strongly believe that my experiences and the learning values instilled in me at UCS have allowed me to flourish. Thank you! My life wouldn’t be the same without the stellar education and cultural experiences you gifted me.

Kaylem, UCS pupil, 2014–2019

Impact Reports