Community Action concludes with a bang

UCS pupils have taken part in a series of student-led activities and challenges to successfully complete a six-week programme of fundraising called Community Action.

The second half of the Autumn Term at UCS is always dedicated to fundraising for a set of charities chosen annually by the pupil body, who then plan and participate in an imaginative range of events under the Community Action banner. While these ingenious activities run throughout November and early December, they reach a pinnacle during the concluding week.

The programme is more marathon than sprint, but this year’s climactic sequence – between 5th and 9th December – included a 5km ‘Run in the Dark’ at the school fields and a ‘Relay-Triathlon’ at UCS’s Frognal site, along with a teachers’ talent show, movie night, treasure hunt and literature-themed non-uniform day – in which the Headmaster, Mr Beard, took part.

Community Action Coordinator, Miss Alborn, paid tribute to the generosity of spirit infusing pupils’ fundraising efforts. “From guessing the number of sweets in a jar to a mufti day, from five-a-side football to a teacher talent contest, from baking cakes to selling pizzas, everyone has played their part to make a success of this year’s Community Action initiative,” she said.

With support from Miss Alborn and teaching colleagues Mr Enemuwe and Ms Lewis, students devised, advertised and delivered on their projects, with designated groupings of Senior School pupils – namely, Year 7 (Entry), Year 8 (Shell), the six Houses (Demes) each containing pupils from Years 9 to 13, and the Sixth Form Union – all directing considerable energy and enthusiasm towards raising money for their respective charitable causes as part of the whole-school campaign.

“The level of responsibility taken by the House Captains in spearheading all of this endeavour has been impressive to witness, and the Lower School’s creativity and passion have exemplified the resourceful nature of UCS pupils,” added Miss Alborn. The chosen charities for Community Action 2022 were:

Year 7:
Secondary1st, breast cancer charity
Year 8: Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Baxters House: Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Pakistan Appeal
Black Hawkins House: Child Poverty Action Group
Evans House: Choose Love, refugee charity
Flooks House: Malala Fund, advocates for girls education
Olders House: Macmillan Cancer Support
Underwoods House: Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation
Sixth Form Union: Rainbow Migration, for LGBTQI+ asylum/immigration

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